ARCO British Ltd
ODE Venture Ltd
Thames and Satellites Facilities Support
PDE were engaged to provided technical support to Operations staff for the Thames platform, Thames satellite fields (Gawain, Orwell, Deben, Bure East, Bure West) and also the Pickerill platforms. PDE was primarily involved in improving the Thames and Pickerill area profitability’s through increased asset reliability and performance:
PDE evaluated the optimum compression arrangement to meet future contractual obligations. Six fields are produced through four compressors on the Thames platform. Each field has a contractual set of flow versus entry pressure requirements which must be maintained. Several compressor upgrade options were available and the preferred option had to be identified in order to set the platform project budget for the coming financial year. The performance of each compressor was modelled and then verified against plant data. The model was then used to identify the optimum compressor/field line up, taking into account the available upgrade options. The optimum solution was presented to the Business Unit who approved the recommendation to re-wheel one of the compressors. PDE co-ordinated the onshore input to rewheeling the compressor in the summer shutdown.
PDE then developed the compressor models to provide spreadsheet based compressor performance monitoring of the four compressors so that drop offs in performance could be identified early, improving ARCO’s forward planning for compressor maintenance and therefore reducing their risk to production shortfalls.
The Thames facility uses Mono-Ethylene Glycol (MEG) for hydrate inhibition. Lean (low water content) MEG is pumped out to each satellite field to inhibit the pipeline and the rich (high water content) MEG arriving on Thames is regenerated and recycled. The Orwell field had started to cut produced water which is highly saline and the salt was causing problems in the MEG regeneration system. The short term solution was to dispose Orwell rich MEG overboard rather than regenerate it. This incurred a substantial operating cost and an alternative solution was sought. ARCO had already evaluated Kinetic Hydrate Inhibitors (KHI’s) in the lab. PDE assisted ARCO Contracts group in developing a specification for the supply of KHI for Orwell. Several chemicals vendors were invited to tender and Technical and Commercial Bid Evaluations were performed to select the preferred supplier. PDE developed a field trial procedure for the use of KHI and liaised with the Design Contractor to make the necessary platform modifications to allow KHI injection. PDE co-ordinated chemical suppliers staff, operations staff and Design Contractors staff during the field trial. The trial was successful in that no signs of hydrates were observed, but this did not necessarily prove the KHI had worked. PDE examined the trial samples and operating data and demonstrated that the salt from Orwell produced water was sufficient to prevent hydrates. The Orwell field was closely monitored for several weeks without MEG injection and hydrate free operation was proven.
PDE assisted the ARCO Engineering Group to demonstrate continuous safety improvement by mitigation and control of hazards and also enhancement of prevention and detection methods through lessons learned.
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Bluewater Services (UK) Ltd
Aker Kvaerner Offshore Partner Ltd
Shell Pierce Water Injection Project
PDE was engaged to manage Aker Kvaerner’s Process Engineering Department on the Detailed Design of a 95 MBD water injection project to be installed on the Hawaene Brim FPSO to enhance production from the Shell Pierce Field.
The project provided self cleaning Coarse Filters to remove solids to 80 microns and self cleaning Fine Filters to remove solids down to 2 microns to meet reservoir specification. The Oxygen content was reduced mechanically to 10 ppb using a deaeration column and the pressure boosted to meet the NPSH requirements of the 100% duty, 400 Barg, 8MW Water Injection Pump. FEED had not resolved the seawater supply and it soon became apparent the Seawater Lift system was undersized for Water Injection. The upgrade of these facilities was added to the scope with 2 x 100% duty 2000m3/hr seawater lift pumps replaced the existing smaller pumps. The FPSO Instrument Air System was upgraded to meet the requirements of the new facilities. A chemical injection skid was provided to allow dosing of Flocculent, Coagulent, Biocides, Biomodifier, Scale Inhibitor, Antifoam and Oxygen Scavenger.
PDE picked up the design at the end of a fast track FEED phase and several key issues had to be resolved.
The system was essentially an extremely detailed hydraulic balance from sea to injection water riser. Vessel motion effects, sea wave effects, filter operating modes and control scheme effects were all taken account of during system design. The control system was reviewed using dynamic simulation of the whole seawater lift and water injection system to ensure it was robust to prevent unnecessary upsets and therefore meet the client’s stringent uptime target. PDE prepared detailed specifications for equipment for the wide range of conditions that may be seen and gave input to the bid evaluation process. PDE maintained close liaison with equipment suppliers to ensure their designs met the specifications.
The operating margin for the Water Injection Pump was extremely narrow. A maximum operating pressure of 400 Barg had been specified for well fracturing but the weak link in the system was only designed for 427 Barg with no allowable short term excursions. Pressure surges due to sudden closure of the subsea well valves several kilometers away had been highlighted in FEED as exceeding the 427 Barg limit. Using the services of a specialist dynamic simulation contractor, Pipeline Simulations (PSI), PDE were able to establish a safe operating envelope for the injection pump that met the client’s 400 Barg operating pressure requirement but did not result in overpressure during subsea induced surges. A control system was then designed to maintain the pump within the allowable envelope and trip the pump safely if the limit was infringed. The design successfully passed independent HAZOP and SIL reviews.
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BP Exploration UK Ltd
AMEC Process & Energy Ltd
Inde Satellites Infill Drilling Project
BP were filling spare production capacity in the main Inde complex by drilling new wells on remote satellite platforms. PDE conducted a study to identify modifications required to bring on a new high pressure well into an existing low pressure satellite platform.
The well generated low temperatures on start-up which were below the piping minimum design temperature and within the hydrate formation region. They were mitigated by an electric start-up heater which provided sufficient heat to start the well up at low flowrates until normal flowing temperature was reached. The suitability of the existing satellite facilities, including separation and Methanol injection requirements, was reviewed and changes recommended where applicable.
The proposed design was developed on P&IDs and subjected to a HAZOP review. The design contractor developed the design further to the implementation phase.
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BP Exploration UK Ltd
AMEC Process & Energy Ltd
Bruce Produced Water Injection
The Bruce Platform normally disposed of hot produced water via the seawater injection wells but this required a minimum produced water to seawater ratio to keep injection temperatures below system limits. This resulted in water injection volumes significantly higher than was required for the reservoir zone and an alternative disposal route was required if reservoir damage was to be avoided. BP had identified a new disposal route via the outer annulus of a producing well.
PDE conducted a study to identify the modifications required to inject produced water via this route utilising a pump sourced by BP. The proposed design was developed on P&IDs and subjected to a HAZOP review. The design contractor developed the design further to the implementation phase.
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BP Exploration UK Ltd
Wood Group Engineering Ltd
Beatrice & Buchan Operations Support
PDE was engaged to provide technical support to the Operations staff for the Buchan floating production platform and the Clyde platform. PDE remit was to improve production through process enhancements, optimization and reliability.
PDE undertook a platform optimization study for the Buchan facility and identified several upgrades which could economically benefit the platform. Each option was subjected to a high level of engineering to develop costs and savings in order to determine the Net Present Value (NPV). Several of the options offered economic benefits to the platform but did not meet the BP criteria for expenditure.
One option identified was to use spare capacity in the gas lift compressor to draw down the Production Separator pressure, reduce the back pressure on the wells and therefore produce more oil from the reservoir. Reservoir modelling predicted a 3% production increase if the separator pressure could be reduced to a target operating pressure. PDE developed a field trial procedure and supervised the trial offshore. The separator pressure was successfully reduced to the target pressure and the net production increase was estimated at 1%.
BP were approached by a third party to provide an order of magnitude (OOM) cost estimate to develop a small field as a subsea tie-back across the Buchan platform. PDE prepared several conceptual designs and co-ordinated the design contractor team to generate the OOM costs for each option. PDE represented Buchan Operations in preliminary discussions with the third party.
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Hydrocarbon Resources Ltd
Halliburton Brown & Root Production Services Ltd
Bains Field Development
HRL discovered a pocket of high pressure gas close to the CPP complex and PDE were engaged to lead the Process team to study the options available for development of the field as a subsea tie-back.
Flow assurance work was performed using Pipesim and several HRL operated destinations for the gas were considered. The pipeline would operate within the hydrate formation region and Methanol injection was selected as the optimal flow assurance solution as it offered the lowest capex and the opex for Methanol consumption was only incurred for the first year of production since reservoir pressure was predicted to quickly fall off such that hydrates were no longer a problem. The impact on the reception facility were reviewed and specifications developed for the new topsides equipment. The recommended option was accepted by HRL and the Project sanctioned for Front End Engineering Design.
PDE were engaged to lead the Process team and were the signing authority for all Process deliverables for FEED and then detailed design.
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Hydrocarbon Resources Ltd
Halliburton Brown & Root Production Services Ltd
DP1 Produced Water Upgrade
Field operating data and reservoir modelling showed water production sweeping across the Morecambe Bay gas field. Predicted water rates were in excess of the water handling capacity of each satellite platform and sequential upgrading of each satellite was required. PDE were engaged to lead the Process team for the detailed design of the DP1 satellite platform produced water upgrade and were the signing authority for all department deliverables.
The upgrade was based on filter/coalescer technology, hydrocyclones had been discounted due to the chemistry of the fluids and relatively low 8000 bpd design water rate. The design included brownfield tie-ins at the Production and Test Separators, a new Produced Water Degasser, Filter-Coalescer and tie-ins to the existing dump caisson and reclaimed oil system. The Reclaimed oil Pumps were upgraded for the higher duty. All brownfield systems were reviewed for suitability and in particular the impact on the vent system which was limited to a low operating pressure by connected atmospheric tanks.
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Britannia Operator Ltd
Aker Kvaerner Oil and Gas Ltd
Britannia Satellites FEED
The Britannia platform was designed for 850 mmscfd of natural gas but in the near future the field will come off plateau production rates, creating spare capacity. Britannia Operator Ltd (BOL) engaged Aker Kvaerner (AK) to perform a Front End Engineering Design (FEED) Study to determine the cost and schedule for developing four new fields as subsea tie-backs to the Britannia platform, utilising the spare capacity. Two fields were predominantly oil, one was a gas-condensate field and the other was a High-Pressure/High-Temperature gas condensate field.
PDE were engaged to perform studies to assess the separation and compression requirements of each field against the available capacities. Due to the fast track nature of the FEED phase, findings and recommendations were presented to a BOL/AK team in order to quickly decide on a preferred way forwards.
PDE performed a design review of a proprietary flow scheme to treat salt contaminated Mono-Ethylene Glycol (MEG). The scheme was critically reviewed in order to reduce utilities consumption and improve reliability.
Other systems were reviewed by the Project Team and PDE assisted in preparing datasheets and P&IDs for option selection and development of Project cost estimate.
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Britannia Operator Ltd
Aker Kvaerner Oil and Gas Ltd
Britannia Satellites FEED ‘Plus’
Based on findings from FEED and uncertainties in reservoir information from two of the fields, BOL reduced the number of fields under consideration to one oil field and one gas-condensate field. All process and utility systems were revisited to identify the impact of the scope reduction and to further engineer the affected systems.
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Conoco (UK) Ltd
Halliburton Brown & Root Energy Services Ltd
Conoco Viking B Redevelopment Project
The Conoco Viking B complex was at the tail end of 25 years production from the existing reservoir. The platform was also used to transport gas from another field and decommissioning Viking B meant that an alternative would have to be provided for this field. A new 300 mmscfd gas-condensate field was discovered and tie-ing back to Viking B was part of the justification for redeveloping the whole Viking Transportation system, including the onshore reception facilities.
Brown & Root Energy Services won the EPIC contract for the Viking B topsides portion of the Redevelopment Project. The design for the topsides had been engineered on a PFD and preliminary P&ID level. PDE were engaged to lead the process team to develop the design through detailed design and commissioning. PDE were the authorizing signatory for all Process deliverables.
The Project added a new production module comprising of three parallel production separators (one for each field), a common condensate flash drum, condensate export pumps and a dedicated standalone vent system with vent KO drum and vent stack. Gas was to be tie-ed into three existing compressors (one for each field). All of the existing brownfield process and utility systems were reviewed and upgraded for the new duties.
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Conoco (UK) Ltd
Halliburton Brown & Root Energy Services Ltd
Viking BC3 Compressor Re-wheel Project
The Viking BC3 compressor is dedicated to the production of gas from the Victor field which is in production decline. In order to continue to meet the contractual entry envelope, the compressor required rewheeling. The project was in two phases: rewheel the two stage compressor to give performance increase, then add interstage cooling and liquid knockout once the increasing pressure ratio resulted in high discharge temperatures. Both phases were to be engineered at the same time but interstage cooling implemented one year after the compressor rewheel to defer capital expenditure.
PDE were engaged at the end of the scope definition phase of the project to lead the Process team in FEED, detailed design and commissioning. PDE were the authorized signatory for all Process deliverables.
Preliminary discussions had already taken place with the compressor vendor but the impeller selection had not been made because the provisional selection did not meet Conoco’s contractual obligations. PDE reviewed the requirements of the compressor and further defined the compressor specification. Working alongside the compressor vendor’s personnel a solution was found that met contractual obligations to the Victor field while deferring the next predicted re-wheel for as long as possible.
The project replaced the original suction scrubber that was undersized. The vessel was allowing liquid carryover which fouled the compressor internals and reduced it’s performance. All brownfield systems were reviewed for suitability with the new performance curves.
The compressor was successfully installed and commissioned. To date, the interstage cooling has not been installed as the discharge pressure requirements were relaxed and operating temperatures remain within acceptable limits.
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Conoco (UK) Ltd
Halliburton Brown & Root Energy Services Ltd
Viking BC2 Compressor Refurbishment (FEED) Project
The Viking BC2 compressor had been left idle for several years and, due to cost reduction initiatives, the train had no preservation methods applied. The BC2 compressor was to be dedicated to the production of gas from the Phoenix field once production came off plateau. Production profiles showed that the compressor was to be required for Phoenix service in the following contract year and the scope of the refurbishment needed to be established for cost planning. Brown & Root Energy Services were asked to perform a study to identify the scope and refurbishment cost. PDE were engaged to lead the Process team on the study and were the authorized signatory for all Process deliverables.
System hydraulic curves developed to include subsea pipeline, topsides piping, compressor and discharge piping to the delivery point. PDE liaised with the Conoco Reservoir group to build the system curves into the reservoir model to give realistic production profiles.
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Conoco (UK) Ltd
Halliburton Brown & Root Energy Services Ltd
Vampire Host Facility Modifications Project
Conoco discovered the Vampire gas field near to their LOGGS facility and developed options for ranking and final selection. Brown & Root Energy Services were asked to comment on the options as the incumbent design contractor and PDE were engaged to provide a Process input to this review.
PDE reviewed the requirements of the new field against the available facilities on LOGGS platform. The key issues were liquid handling from the slugging field exceeded the LOGGS PR system capacity and the vent system was at full capacity for the platform blowdown case. The process review showed that the separator earmarked for Vampire production was inadequate for the service and a new vessel was required. The new vessel option had originally been discounted as it incurred significant heavy lift vessel costs. A design was developed where an adequately sized vessel could be sourced that would be within the weight limits of the platform crane, saving the heavy lift costs. The liquids handling issue was resolved by designing a control system to dump excess liquids to another liquids handling system on the adjacent bridge linked LOGGS PP platform. Peak blowdown rates from existing sources were shown to be lower than the original design as field operating pressure had reduced and this created spare capacity for the new inputs.
PDE prepared the functional specification for an Advanced Control System that would predict slugging in the three inter-field pipelines arriving on LOGGS PR and would manage gas ramp up rates such that the liquids handling system was not overloaded.
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Conoco (UK) Ltd
Halliburton Brown & Root Energy Services Ltd
Conoco Operations Support
Responsible for providing operations support to the LOGGS and satellite wellheads platforms.
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Conoco (UK) Ltd
Halliburton Brown & Root Energy Services Ltd
LOGGS Desanding Project
Brown & Root Energy Services were the incumbent design contractor for all Conoco Southern North Sea offshore facilities and PDE were engaged to perform studies into produced water and sand removal from well fluids on the LOGGS and Vanguard platforms.
Sand produced from the reservoir posed a significant erosion risk and options were to be reviewed for sand removal on an unmanned satellite platform, removing the sand before it entered the pipeline and main LOGGS complex. A second study was to remove sand from the LOGGS complex common liquids handling system before it entered the export pipeline and onshore gas terminal.
Several options were reviewed and findings presented to Conoco. The LOGGS desanding option was approved for further development and PDE prepared a Basis of Design document which was then used by the design contractor to detail design, install and commission the system. The satellites desanding option was rejected and not developed further.
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DNO Heather Ltd
Halliburton Brown & Root Production Services Ltd
West Heather and North Terrace Subsea Tie-Back
Two significant oil reservoirs were found near to the DNO Heather platform and Brown & Root Production Services were contracted to undertake studies to assess the impact on the platform topsides from the new fluids. PDE were engaged to lead the Process team performing the studies that reviewed the impacts on separation, gas compression and dehydration, condensate handling, oil export including the export pipeline and platform utilities. The findings presented to DNO management showed considerably greater impact than had been anticipated by the client and further work on the topsides was put on hold until the first appraisal well had been drilled.
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DNO Heather Ltd
Halliburton Brown & Root Production Services Ltd
DNO Heather Platform Risk Mitigation Modifications
Quantified Risk Assessment (QRA) work on the Heather platform showed the condensate flash drum to be the largest single contributor to impairment of the Temporary Refuge (the safe location where personnel muster while waiting to be evacuated in an emergency). The key problem was the large inventory of high volatility fluids which would contribute significantly to the hydrocarbon gas released in the event of a leak. The two options available to reduce the risk to the target figure were i) reduce the inventory or ii) increase the blowdown rate to flare so that there was less gas available to leak. Several studies concluded that increasing blowdown rates was not possible as the blowdown piping was already at it’s limit and the only solution was to replace the vessel with a smaller one to reduce the inventory.
PDE were asked to provide an independent review before DNO proceeded with this extremely costly recommendation.
Unlike previous studies, PDE did not focus on reducing the risk with one single modification, but instead identified ten options that would each partially reduce the risk. The options were ranked using a high level cost-benefit analysis and when tabulated it could be seen how many of the options had to be implemented to achieve the target risk. It was also identified that part of the basis for the QRA work was out of date and current data would result in a lower risk. The findings were presented to DNO who approved the recommendations. PDE lead the Process team to design the modifications and were the authorising signatory for all Process deliverables. Using a combination of several small upgrades, DNO achieved 90% of their target risk reduction for significantly less cost than a new vessel and demonstrated an ALARP (As Low As Reasonably Practical) approach to risk had been taken.
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Amerada Hess SA (Denmark)
Halliburton Brown & Root Production Services Ltd
Caisson Sampling & Oil Skimming Upgrades
The South Arne platform offshore Denmark drains caissons suffered two problems. Firstly, the water quality discharging from the caissons could not be accurately measured due to in-operability of the sampling system and secondly, oil could not be skimmed off the top of the water level in the hazardous drains caisson due to poor pump reliability. A study had been performed by Brown & Root Production Services Mechanical Engineers and a recommended solution agreed for design by Hess. PDE were engaged to lead the Process team to engineer the proposed solution and were the signing authority for all Process deliverables.
The sampling system pumped produced water through an eductor located in each caisson which drew in a small sample of the fluid present. The motive water and sample were routed back to the pump suction to create a circuit. A small quantity of the mixture was drawn off to an oil-in-water analyser. After a short amount of time, the mixture flowing though the system would be the same composition as that in the caisson and the sample reading accurate. The sample readings would be subject to a short time delay but this was not critical. The hydraulic circuit was designed to ensure the eductor had sufficient motive fluid flow and pressure to draw in enough sample volume to balance the sample draw-off rate to the analyser. The original system was not hydraulically balanced and resulted in loss of pump suction. The original system also drained into the caisson when shutdown as there was an open flow path through the eductor. A priming tank was added to provide the pump with seawater when starting up. The skimming pumps were replaced with different type units to improve reliability.
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Kerr McGee
Halliburton Brown & Root Production Services Ltd
Murchison Gas Lift Expansion
The Murchison platform had four wells using gas lift to enhance production and a programme of expansion was do increase the number of gas lifted wells to twenty two. PDE were engaged to lead the Process team to design the modifications required and were the signing authority for all Process deliverables.
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Kerr McGee
Goodtech Vanpipe Ltd
Leadon Fuel Gas Package
PDE were engaged to perform the conceptual design of the Leadon FPSO Fuel Gas Package. The Package included high pressure gas import facility from subsea pipeline, shell and tube import gas heater, scrubber and fuel gas superheater.
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Occidental (Qatar)
McDermott Engineering (Europe) Ltd
PS-1 Gas Compression Upgrade Project
Occidental acquired the operatorship of the PS-1 facility from QGPC and set about increasing production from 18,000 bpd to 100,000 bpd. As part of the overall field development plan, the PS-1 complex required an upgrade to the gas compression system to double the capacity. McDermott’s were contracted to undertake all the field development works and PDE was engaged to co-ordinate the Process team on the gas compression upgrade.
The project was to retrofit a new four-stage compressor complete with gas turbine driver in place of a threestage machine, providing new liquid knockout and cooling facilities for the additional stage. The new compressor had already been selected by Occidental. The existing coolers, scrubbers and piping for the original three stages were reviewed for suitability with the new compressor and modifications proposed to debottleneck the system. The cooling medium and seawater systems were also assessed for the higher duty and de-bottlenecking modifications made.
The compression project included the design of a replacement TEG regeneration system to cope with the higher water loading, existing TEG columns were demonstrated to have sufficient capacity. A new instrument air package was also to be provided to improve the reliability of the air system.
As part of the overall field development, a new Distributed Control System (DCS) system was to replace pneumatic control loops and provide overall complex control functions. A control philosophy was developed for all Process and utility control loops so that the system designers understood the functionality of each loop. The compressor and gas turbine start up sequence was developed to reside in the new DCS.
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Goodtech Vanpipe Ltd
Barracuda & Caratinga Fuel Gas Package
PDE were engaged to perform the conceptual design of the fuel gas packages for the Barracuda and Caratinga FPSOs. Packages included high pressure gas import facilities from subsea pipelines, shell and tube heaters, intermediate pressure and low pressure letdown stations, gas-gas superheater and electric superheater and fuel gas scrubber. Goodtech Vanpipe were unsuccessful at winning the contract and no further work was performed.
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Shell UK Exploration and Production Ltd
Goodtech Vanpipe Ltd
Shell Clipper Fuel Gas Package
Detailed design of the Shell Clipper fuel gas package including pressure letdown station, scrubber, electric superheater, controls, process trips and relief and blowdown systems. Prepared specifications for the main equipment and valves for Goodtech Vanpipe to purchase.
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Shell Bangladesh
Halliburton Brown & Root Production Services Ltd
Sangu Gas Pipeline Emergency Blowdown Procedures
The Sangu gas facility comprises of an offshore minimum facilities wellhead platform exporting wet gas to an onshore reception and treating plant. Emergency blowdown of the pipeline had not been designed for as the offshore platform was un-manned. Shell decided that a contingency blowdown procedure should be developed as a precaution. PDE were engaged to develop the blowdown procedure based on study work performed by Brown & Root Production Services.
The key issues were:
- The gas pipeline operated at circa 100 Bar and blowdown resulted in low temperatures in the vent system. The onshore plant vent system was constructed from low temperature carbon steel and not suitable for the low temperatures predicted.
- The flaring capacity was limited by radiation levels from the tip.
- Liquids were predicted to be swept from the pipeline during blowdown and could flood the onshore slugcatcher
- Liquids would accumulate in the Flare KO Drum and could flood the vessel.
- The pipeline could pass through the hydrate formation region if depressured too quickly.
- There was no single valve that could be used to control pipeline blowdown.
PDE developed a procedure that minimised the pipeline blowdown time while preventing systems limits from being infringed. The procedure was inserted into the Facility Management System.
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Shell UK Exploration and Production Ltd
Halliburton Brown & Root Energy Services Ltd
Fulmar Fuel Gas Import
Production from the Fulmar field was in decline and the platform was soon to become fuel gas deficient. PDE were engaged to perform a study into importing fuel gas from the gas export pipeline. The platform fuel requirements were evaluated and a flowscheme developed utilising several pieces of redundant equipment to provide the correct specification gas for fuel.
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Shell UK Exploration and Production Ltd
AMEC Process & Energy Ltd
Brent Charlie Long Term Field Development
The Brent field was to be converted from primarily oil production to primarily gas production as part of the Brent Long Term Field Development Plan. AMEC were contracted to convert the Brent Bravo, Charlie and Delta platforms and PDE were engaged to produce detailed design calculations for all Brent Charlie greenfield relief valves and bursting discs.
The greenfield modules comprised of two stages of separation and gas compression with cooling medium supplied to the gas coolers.
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Talisman Energy (UK) Ltd
Wood Group Engineering Ltd
BBCNR Operations Support
The Talisman Ross field is produced through the “Bleo Holm” FPSO operated by Bluewater (Floating Production) Ltd. PDE were engaged to advise the Operations Support Manager in contractual negotiations with Bluewater and to improve the production and environmental performance of field. PDE monitored oil production, gas compression and water injection facilities to establish contractor performance for assessment of payments under FPSO hire agreement.
PDE also provided technical support to Operations staff for the Clyde platform, Beatrice platform, Buchan platform and Nigg Oil Terminal. PDE made recommendations to improve production and environmental performance.
The Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) based Nitrogen generation system had been problematic for several years and each refurbishment regained less performance. Poor Nitrogen quality (higher than design Oxygen levels and solids contamination) was becoming a problem for the Gas Export Compressor which used Nitrogen for seal purging. The compressor was experiencing high lube oil flash points which were gradually closing on the limit at which the machine had to be shutdown for safety reasons. PDE quickly prepared an action plan and coordinated platform and Contractor personnel to overcome the problem. Firstly, the compressor seals were switched to bottled Nitrogen purge while the Nitrogen supply lines were blown clear of the solids contamination. Secondly, filters were installed in the Nitrogen supply from the PSA skids to remove any remaining solids. The longer term solution was to install an alternative to the PSA skid. PDE performed a review of available technology and proposed a membrane based Nitrogen generation skid. A hired unit was engineered and installed to alleviate the medium term problem while the Design Contractor engineered the long lead permanent solution. The lube oil flash points were gradually brought under control.
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Total Fina Elf
Halliburton Brown & Root Energy Services Ltd
Kharyaga Engineering Support
The Kharyaga facility in Kazakhstan process oil and gas from onshore wells. PDE were engaged to provide technical support to the plant operations staff.
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Note : some of the above projects were provided via PDE’s parent company